The Lesson Hive Mission

This website is a collaborative infrastructure for collecting and evaluating entomology lesson plans.

When we started this project in 2015, we were just curious — what was out there? Eventually, this developed into a Subcommittee, a project, and then a website.

Our Mission

Insect Net symbolizing insect collection
  1. Identify gaps and needs for entomology K-12 formal and informal education resources, and bring entomology and education communities together for mutual learning and support to fill those gaps.
  2. Improve the quality of entomology K-12 Education by focusing on the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices.
  3. By collecting widely scattered lessons into one database, we hope to  identify and merge heterogeneous teaching resources into high quality topic collections.
  4. The work of the Lesson Hive program should increase visibility and impact of inclusive learning and equitable practices. Our work should support changing patterns of inequity across outreach and education.​

Learn more about this project: