We believe entomologists and teachers are stronger together. A goal of this project is to work toward disseminating entomology lessons in places teachers already frequent, and that are already set up for Continuing Education Credits. Bringing a few teachers to ESA meetings each year just isn’t efficient.
A long-term goal of this project is to seek funding to cover registration and travel fees for entomologists going to Science Education meetings to demo their lessons. In the meantime, here’s a list of events to attend and organizations you might want to contact.
Even if you don’t attend a meeting, you can learn a lot about what’s of interest in your state by reading Event Programs. And of course, connecting to and asking your local teachers what they need.
National Organizations:
- Association for Science Teacher Education
- National Association of Biology Teachers (K-16)
- National Science Teaching Association (K-12)
State Organizations:
- Arizona Science Teachers Association
- Arkansas Science Teachers Association
- California Association of Science Educators
- Colorado Association of Science Teachers
- Connecticut Science Teachers Association
- Florida Association of Science Teachers
- Georgia Science Teachers Association
- Hawai’i Science Teaching Association
- Hoosier Association of Science Teachers (Indiana)
- Idaho Science Teaching Association
- Illinois Science Teaching Association
- Kansas Association of Teachers of Science
- Kentucky Science Teachers Association
- Louisiana Science Teachers Association
- Michigan Science Teachers Association
- Maine Science Teachers Association
- Maryland Association of Science Teachers
- Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers
- Minnesota Science Teachers Association
- Mississippi Science Teachers Association
- Science Teachers of Missouri
- Montana Science Teachers Association
- Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science
- Nevada State Science Teachers Association
- New Hampshire Science Teachers Association
- New Jersey Science Teachers Association
- New Mexico Science Teachers Association
- Science Teachers Association of New York
- North Carolina Science Teachers Association
- North Dakota Science Teachers Association
- Oklahoma Science Teachers Association
- Oregon Science Teachers Association
- Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association
- Rhode Island Science Teachers Association
- Science Education Council of Ohio
- South Carolina Science Council
- South Dakota Science Teachers Association
- Science Teachers Association of Texas
- Tennessee Science Teachers Association
- Utah Science Teachers Association
- Vermont Science Teachers Association
- Virginia Association of Science Teachers
- Washington Science Teachers Association