What are NGSS Standards?

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The Next Generation Science Standards  were developed in partnership with the National Research Council (NRC), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Achieve. So far, 44 states have adopted NGSS or a related standards curriculum. 

NGSS shifts the focus from memorizing scientific facts to actually doing science—so students spend more time posing questions and discovering the answers for themselves.

The Next Generation Science Standards integrate three dimensions of scientific thinking:

  1. The content of science (Disciplinary Core Ideas)
  2. How science knowledge is acquired and understood (Science and Engineering Practices)
  3. How sciences are connected through concepts that have universal meaning across the disciplines (Crosscutting Concepts)

How are Standards evaluated in the Lesson Hive?

We indicate that lessons are NGSS Aligned when specific State or NGSS Standards are present and specifically stated in the resource. However, because so many states have their own independent systems of classification, we don’t evaluate alignment.

Instead, we look for specific features of quality design, and the presence of 3-Dimensional learning. Sometimes materials may not explicitly say they are aligned, but clearly meet the criteria.

We also indicate what Science and Engineering Practices are present, as well as categorize resources by basic attributes — Grade Level, Language, Type of Activity, Taxonomic Group, and more.

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