Terrestrial Isopods’ Behavior

(1 review)


This NGSS aligned resource includes multiple activities for students to observe isopod behavior. Students investigate food preferences, social behavior, Light/Dark habitats, and poop preferences. Students present their findings to the rest of the class at the completion of all activities.

Full Title: Exploring Terrestrial Isopods: How Terrestrial Isopods’ behavior can influence survival and Reproduction


This resource pairs nicely with an earlier publication by the author, The Wonders of Terrestrial Isopods. That pub has detailed instructions about how to rear isopods in the classroom, as well as even more possible experiments!

Reviews (1)

1 review for Terrestrial Isopods’ Behavior

  1. LessonHiveAdmin

    This is a great series of exercises tied to observing live animals in the classroom — always something that engages student attention. Having students notebook what they observe, and then draw conclusions and discuss what they find is a perfect application of the NGSS STEM Practices.

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