Science in the Classroom (SitC) is a collection of freely available annotated research papers from the Science family of journals. SitC aims to help educators, undergraduates, and advanced high school students understand the research contained in scientific primary literature by using annotations and providing accompanying teaching materials. Annotations include vocabulary, methods, descriptions of prior research, and explanations of major conclusions. Each paper has an educator’s guide outlining connections to science competencies within STEM learning frameworks and standards. Educator guides also provide suggested activities, discussion questions, and resources for further exploration of the subject.
“Many compounds produced by plants as a defense against predation are known to have interesting effects on humans. One such drug, caffeine, improves human memory and alertness, lending increased focus and energy. But what is the ecological role of drugs such as caffeine? Do other organisms experience a similar memory boost when consuming caffeine? This paper investigates the effects of naturally occurring floral nectar caffeine on pollinator behavior, and finds that some flowering plants use caffeine to manipulate honey bee behavior in a way that improves the plant’s reproductive success”
LessonHiveAdmin –
Very nice annotated reading to get students used to primary scientific literature. The teacher guide contains suggested discussion questions. This is for advanced high school students or first year undergrads.
Please note that this website uses color to indicate parts of the paper (previous research, hypothesis, etc.) It may not be accessible for all students.